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Writer's pictureClothilde M. ZANEI

(EJA) III Termos A, B - Inglês - Atividade 5 - Profª Dilene 2º Bimestre 2021

Devolutiva até 14/05/2021

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The United Nations Organization

In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the United Nations Conference on International Organizations to the United Nations Charter. The United Nations was established on 24 October 1945 by 51 countries committed to preserving peace through international cooperation and collective security. Today, nearly every nation in the world belongs to the UN; membership now totals 189 countries.

All UN Member States are represented in the General Assembly – a kind of parliament of nations, which meets to consider the word’s most pressing problems. Each Member State has one vote. Decisions on ‘important matters’, such as international peace and security, admitting new members, the UN budget and the budget for peacekeeping, are decided by two-thirds majority. Other matters are decided by simple majority. In recent years, a special effort has been made to reach decisions through consensus, rather than by taking a formal vote.

The assembly holds its annual regular session from September to December. When necessary, it may hold special or emergency session on subjects of particular bodies and the UN Secretariat carry out its work.

1- When was the United Nations established?

2- How many countries are now members of the United Nations?

3- Where are all United Nations Member States represented?

4- How many votes does each Member State have?

5- How are decisions on ‘important matters’ taken?

6- When is the regular Assembly session held?

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