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Writer's pictureClothilde M. ZANEI

(EJA) II Termos A, B - Inglês - Atividade 2 - Profª Dilene 1º Bimestre 2021

Updated: May 2, 2021

Devolutiva até 05/03/2021

Vocês podem fazer atividade no caderno, tirar uma foto e mandar no email mencionado acima. Não esqueçam de colocar o nome completo, atividade 2 e a série.

Cognates são palavras que se assemelham na grafia em português e inglês e tem o mesmo significado.

Exemplo: student – estudante

university – universidade

Leia o texto abaixo e faça uma lista com os cognates que você conseguir identificar.

Unsustainable consumption - the mother of all environmental issues?

Consumption of products and services impacts the environment in many different ways. For example, the things we buy contribute, directly through the product lifecycle, to climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion in Europe and other regions.

Europe consumes more resources than most other regions.

An average European citizen uses approximately four times more resources than one in Africa and three times more than one in Asia, but half of that of a citizen of the USA, Canada or Australia.

Resource use in Europe is increasing.

Resource use per person increased by 9.1% in the EU-27 between 2000 and 2007, reaching some 17 tonnes per person annually. Of the 8.2 billion tones of materials used in the EU in 2007, minerals and metals accounted for more than half, while fossil fuels and biomass were approximately a quarter each.

Europe can use resources in a more efficient way.

87% of EU citizens agree that Europe could use its natural resources more efficiently, and 41% think that their household produces too much waste.

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