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9º A, D - Inglês - Atividade 7 - Profª Dilene - 2º Bimestre 2021

Devolutiva até 11/06/2021

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Read the article and answer the questions:

Leia o artigo e responda as questões:

The importance of Having Strong Communities

A importância de ter comunidades fortes

[…] We have communities in our friends, our families, our employment, our neighborhoods, and in so many other places. We find community in the sports teams we support, or the artists we enjoy, even the food that we like. Having a sense of community unites us. Being a part of a community can make us feel as though we are a part of something greater than ourselves. It can give us opportunities to connect with people, to reach for our goals, and makes us feel safe and secure. […]

A strong community provides an environment of safety and security. You should feel secure in your own neighborhood. You should feel secure that your city is protecting you and that your neighbors are looking out for you. […]

1- Write true (T) or false (F).

a) ( ) The article mentions examples of communities.

b) ( ) A community can’t help us feel connected.

c) ( ) Being part of a community helps us reach our goals.

d) ( ) Common interests can help form communities.

2- De acordo com o artigo, por que é importante ser parte de uma comunidade?

3- De quais comunidades você faz parte? Como elas contribuem para que você se sinta seguro?

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