Devolutiva até 19/03/2021
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“Teachers Will allow us to speak out our minds”, Chrisanne D’Souza
My dream school would be fun and interesting. There would be of activities for all kids. The lesson periods would contain fun learning and less writing. The playground will be extraordinary, with swings, slides, and even fountains! During recess, we would go to the cafeteria where different types of snacks would be served. The uniforms will be colourful and we will be allowed to wear party clothes once a week – or have costume days. The teachers should allow us to speak out our minds.
School bags should contain very few books, which will be easy to carry. There should also be a classroom for pets, where kids can interact with animals.
Cognates (Cognatos) - São palavras que se assemelham na grafia tanto em inglês quanto em português e tem o mesmo significado.
Exemplo: student - estudante
university - universidade
False cognates (falsos cognatos) – São palavras que se assemelham na grafia nos dois idiomas, mas possuem significados diferentes.
Exemplo: lunch - almoço
resume - currículo
Agora retire do texto os cognatos que você conseguir identificar.