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Writer's pictureClothilde M. ZANEI

Profª Rosiclei - Inglês- EJA ( IIIA, IIIB) - ATIVIDADE 2

Updated: Jun 11, 2020







Read the text and answer question 01 at 03. (LEIA O TEXTO E RESPONDA AS QUESTÕES DE 01 A 03)

Diabetes affects millions of people in North America, almost half of whom do not realize they have the disease. At risk are people who have a family history of diabetes, are obese, have a history of large birth weight and are over age forty. People with diabetes do not convert food into energy the same way most people do. If a person without diabetes eats a peace of candy, for example, the pancreas will produce insulin which then converts those carbohydrates into glucose or sugar.

That glucose is then used by the cells for energy. However, glucose is not automatically accepted into the cells. It requires a specific key – insulin – to be converted into energy. Without insulin, glucose is locked out of the cells, causing the body to build up extra supplies of it. In people with diabetes, who do not produce insulin, this can eventually lead to hyperglycemia or diabetic coma, also known as high blood sugar.

01. De acordo com o texto, fazem parte do grupo de risco em relação ao diabetes

A) Young people

B) Old people

C) people who have a Family history of diabetes, are obese and are over age forty

D) people who do exercises

E) people who don’t exercises

02. Para transformar os alimentos em energia, o corpo requer uma substância chamada

A) insulin

B) glucose

C) hyperglycemia

D) diabetes

E) sugar

03. The communicative purpose of this text is

A) criticize the habit of eating sweets.

B) publish the results of recent research.

C) explain the causes and consequences of diabetes.

D) guide about exercise

E) promote research on obesity.

Read the text and answer questions 04 at 05.

Entertainment 'Fast and Furious' Actor Paul Walker Dead at 40

The actor Paul Walker, star of the franchise "Fast and Furious" alongside Vin Diesel to, died on Saturday afternoon (30) at age 40 in a car accident in the city of Santa Clarita, in Southern California, in the United States, his publicist said the actor in the official account on Twitter and Facebook.

04. Due to its characteristics, the text is a

A) biography

B) post on facebook

C) news

D) synopsis of film

E) poster

5. No trecho “his publicist said the actor in the official account on Twitter and Facebook.”, o pronome destacado refere-se a (ao):

A) Paul Walker

B) Vin Diesel

C) car accident

D) publicist

E) twitter and facebook.

Answer 06 to 08 (Leia o texto para responder as questões de 06 a 08)

06. The text above is directed to ( O texto acima é direcionado a ...)

A) doctor.

B) patients with HIV.

C) everyone

D) donators

E) nurse

07. People that are not doctors can save lives

A) donating blood

B) studying medicine

C) supporting medicine

D) donating money

E) donating organs

08. To support the Blood Donation Day you can tell people that

A) they have to be doctors.

B) they can save lives.

C) it hurts and leaves scars.

D) it’s not simple.

E) you pay nothing.


(John Lennon)

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace

You may say, I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A Brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world

You may say, I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will live as one

09.Nos versos “You may say/ I'm a dreamer/ But I'm not the only one”, o conectivo em destaque expressa

A) conclusão

B) explicação

C) adição

D) oposição

E) condição

10. Na canção, o eu lírico pede para imaginar um mundo

A) no countries, no possessions and no religions.

B) without governments and borderless.

C) without brotherhood and love.

D) without freedom or equality

E) preconceived

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