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ATIVIDADE 1 ( ENVIAR ATÉ 08/05/2020)
Leia o texto e responda as questões:
The Youth Power
They are getting dressed.
They are putting on their green and yellow T-shirts.
They are painting their faces.
They are meeting their friends.
They are not going to the shopping-centers.
They are not going to the disco.
They are not going to the club.
They are taking to the streets!
Young people nowadays are protesting!
In the 80's students went to the streets to claim for democracy against dictatorship.
Form the 90's on, the youth is leading the way for democracy without corruption.
Good humor, irreverence and organization are present in the protests of the big Brazilian tribe.
The official tone of old politics contrasts with spontaneity. There is no more place for pomp and circumstance!
Long hair and earrings are replacing the hair gel; the green and yellow or black T-shirts are substituting the suit and tie.
New ways!
A) Combine as sentenças.
1- They are painting their faces.
2- They are taking to the streets.
3- They are getting dressed.
4- They are putting on their green and yellow T-shirts.
5- They are meeting their friends.
6- They are not going to the shopping-centers.
( ) Eles estão se encontrando com os amigos.
( ) Eles estão se vestindo.
( ) Eles estão pintando seus rostos.
( ) Eles não estão indo aos shoppings.
( ) Eles estão vestindo suas camisetas verde-amarelas.
( ) Eles estão indo para as ruas.
B) Passe as sentenças abaixo para o inglês.
1- Não há mais lugar para pompa e formalidade.
2- Bom humor, irreverência e organização estão presentes nos protestos da grande tribo brasileira.
C) Responda em Inglês.
1- What are the students not doing?
2- What is the youth leading?
3- What is the present in the protests of the Brazilian tribe?
D) Coloque true (verdadeiro) ou false (falso).
a) The young are taking to the streets to protest against corruption. _____
b) Suit and tie are replacing long hair and earrings.____
c) Spontaneity contrasts with the official tone of old politics.___
d) Young people of the 90's are protesting against dictatorship.____