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9A - Inglês - Teacher Isabel

Updated: Oct 23, 2020

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Defining the topic and related key issues Distance learning.

In a broad sense, distance learning is a term often used synonymously with onlinelearning, e-learning, distance education, correspondence education, external studies, flexible learning, and massive open online courses (MOOCs). Common features of any form of distance learning are: theteacher-learner separation by space or time, or both, and the use of media and technology to enable communication and exchange during the learning process despite this separation. This may be achieved through print-based learning materials, or one-way massive broadcasting (TV and radio programmes), or through web-based exchange using social media channels or learning platforms. Distance learning tends to require a high level of self-directed learning on the part of the learner, and study skills, whichmust be supported through new teaching, learning and guidance strategies. Distance learning strategies: Distance learning strategies in response to COVID-19 school closures are a set of sector-wide measures taken by government agencies and partners to continue students’curriculum based studies and other regular educational activities when schools and other physicaleducational institutions are closed. For this to succeed, learning activities should be reviewed, and alternative solutions to providing learning programmes remotely should be planned and delivered with the support of teachers, the education community and in collaboration with students and their families.While national distance learning strategies consider the complementarity of formal and non-formaleducation and the range of education and training levels for lifelong learning pathways, this issue notefocuses on school education.Almost overnight,learners, teachers, and parents or caregivers have to ensure school educationactivities without the formal school settings. Common issues to be addressed by distance learning strategies include: how students can access remotely delivered content and communicative support; how learners’ rights and data privacy can be protected; how teachers are supported in the transition to remote teaching; and how financial and technological resources can be mobilized to sustain the provision for several months.

Readiness for distance learning:

The effectiveness of distance learning strategies is conditioned by levels of preparedness from various perspectives:

Technological readiness: This generally includes levels of readiness in both technological capacitiesof digital learning platforms or TV and radio broadcasting systems to provide curricular coursesremotely to all learners, as well as in household access to electricity, telephones, televisions, radio,digital devices, internet connectivity and data.

Content readiness: This includes accessibility to teaching and learning materials aligned withnational curricula that can be delivered through online platforms, TV or radio programmes, or usedfor print-based home learning. Readiness of curricular content that cover all grade levels and allsubject areas and can be delivered to all learners often remains a challenge. In many countries, gapsexist in terms of the resources and local expertise needed to rapidly develop national curriculacourses readily accessible through online platforms or TV and radio programmes.


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