olá meus amores e minhas amoras!!! como estão?
vamos iniciar o último bimestre, se esforcem o máximo, quero vê-los no oitavo ano!!
devolutivas no eu e-mail profaisabel13@gmail.com até dia 30/10.
conto com vocês!!
October 31st is Halloween. On Halloween, children wear costumes and go trick-or-treating. They knock os doors and say “Trick or treat.” The person who opens the door gives the children candy. The children say “Thank you.” Adults like Halloween, too. They like to wear costumes to work and attend parties.
Orange and black are popular Halloween colors. Orange is the color of pumpkins and black is the color of darkness. Halloween is a fun holiday, but it is not a federal holiday. The Jack-o’-lantern is a popular part of Halloween. This is a pumpkin with a face carved out. Inside the pumpkin there is a candle. The candle is to frighten the witches away.
Today Halloween is a fun festival. But in the past it was very frightening. People called it “The night of the flying witches.” They thought these witches could do terrible magic. They lit fires to frighten them.
Wear costumes — Usar fantasias
Go trick-or-treating — Sair batendo nas casas para pedir doces no Halloween
Trick or treat — Doce ou travessura
Candy — Doce
Pumpkins — Abóboras
Darkness — Escuridão
Jack-o’-lantern — Abóbora com rosto esculpido e com uma lanterna dentro
Carved out — Esculpido
Carve out — Esculpir
Candle — Vela
Frighten the witches away — Espantar as bruxas
Frighten away — Espantar
Frightening — Assustador
Flying witches — Bruxas voadoras
Lit fires — Acendiam/acenderam/acendeu fogueiras
Light a fire — Acender uma fogueira
1. Traduza para a língua inglesa:
a) A casa é mal-assombrada.
b) Ali há um Espantalho.
c) As crianças estão usando fantasias de Halloween
d) Adoro torta de abóbora.
2. Escreva um texto de 5 linhas em inglês com as palavras abaixo:
Halloween – Witches – candle - scar – blood –freak – darkness - tree trunk– wall – rope